Corona Virus Puzzle

  1. 2. a covering over your face that helps slow the spread of the virus
  2. 5. what some people need to be put on to help them breathe
  3. 7. the organization that gives the social distancing guidelines and information on covid-19
  4. 9. the family of viruses that covid-19 is in
  5. 10. how long oyu should quarantine after being exposed to covid-19
  1. 1. a world wide epidemic
  2. 3. the city covid-19 was first recorded in
  3. 4. how far you should social distance from others
  4. 5. a way to obtain immunity from a disease
  5. 6. a website used by many to communicate during the lockdown
  6. 8. a virus first discovered in December of 2019