coronary artery disease

  1. 2. leading to death
  2. 5. to lower cholesterol levels
  3. 6. Blood flow is decreased
  4. 9. vasodilator that increases coronary blood flow and lowers blood pressure
  5. 11. blockers to reduce the force and speed of the heartbeat and to lower blood pressure
  6. 12. occlusion blocking of the coronary artery by a clot)
  7. 14. to prevent clumping of platelets
  8. 15. infarction heart attack
  1. 1. angina chest pain at rest or chest pain of increasing frequency
  2. 3. blood clotting
  3. 4. deposition of fatty compounds on the inner lining of the coronary arteries
  4. 7. Coronary heart disease
  5. 8. Myocardial Infarction
  6. 10. biggest artery
  7. 13. x-ray imaging of coronary arteries