
  1. 3. A large family of viruses that cause mild to severe symptoms such as Covid19, SARS, and the common cold.
  2. 5. the acronym of severe acute respiratory syndrome is...
  3. 8. a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies
  4. 11. a respirator
  5. 12. a specific blood protein to counter an antigen
  6. 13. a period of isolation
  7. 15. Never touch your ______ in public areas.
  1. 1. a microorganism, especially one that causes disease
  2. 2. Covid19 is believed to be originated from this animal
  3. 4. a word that means the action of breathing
  4. 6. an abnormally high body temperature
  5. 7. Always wash your _____ hands after doing something.
  6. 9. The Covid19 started in this country.
  7. 10. A _____ is caused when a virus infects every continent.
  8. 14. the country with the most current covid19 cases is...