  1. 1. Month that 1st case of COVID-19 was detected in SD
  2. 3. Govenor's last name
  3. 8. COVID-19 can drastically affect the _____ system
  4. 9. It has become fashionable to wear these in public
  5. 11. Country where coronavirus originated
  6. 14. Community leader often seen on the news
  1. 2. Wash/sanitize _____ often for at least 20 sec
  2. 4. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after _______
  3. 5. Social distancing involves staying 6 ___ away from others
  4. 6. You should stay home if you feel ____
  5. 7. WHO declared COVID-19 a ______ on 3/11/20
  6. 10. Name of SF company that has had many cases
  7. 12. Avoid touching your eyes, nose & ______
  8. 13. Common symptoms are dry cough, shortness of breath & ____