coronavirus crossword

  1. 5. severe acute respiratory syndrome
  2. 8. a machine that helps a person breathe when they are unable to breathe on their own
  3. 12. a capsid of a virus with the enclosed nucleic acid
  4. 13. a certain condition that negatively affects the structure of an organism
  5. 14. a feature that indicates a condition of a disease, such as headaches or stomach ache
  1. 1. isolation to prevent exposure of a disease
  2. 2. a family of large single stranded rna viruses that can range from the common flu to mers
  3. 3. a unicellular microscopic organism
  4. 4. city where first case of covid-19 was reported
  5. 6. advised distance to stand apart
  6. 7. a medicine that helps provide immunity against a disease
  7. 9. an outbreak that is on all continents
  8. 10. an organism that lives, feed off, and harms a living host
  9. 11. a microscopic infective agent that is parasitic
  10. 15. a suggested covering that helps slow transmission of the corona virus