Coronavirus Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. number one place that is crowded and full of sick people.
  2. 6. use this product to help you cover your mouth.
  3. 7. don't have to buy all the ______ it's not the zombie apocalypse.
  4. 8. cant be that thirsty to buy all the ______ which is why they set limits on it.
  5. 10. using this item you will need it with water.
  6. 11. do you have when you have a temperature over 100?
  7. 13. good to get some ______ air and not stay in your room all day.
  8. 15. sure to not buy all the _______ because other sick people need it.
  9. 18. is Corona viruses nickname?
  10. 19. the only symptom you have is a _____ then you don't need to go to the hospital unless it doesn't go away.
  11. 22. like to attack heathy people and spread a viruses what am I?
  12. 24. gives you a higher chance of getting coronavirus.
  1. 1. use this item to protect your hands form touching germs.
  2. 2. because _________ are cheaper doesn't mean you should travel since your going to be at a bigger risk.
  3. 4. good to avoid ____ people so you don't get a higher risk on getting it.
  4. 5. a low _______ system is not helpful on trying to stay safe and healthy.
  5. 9. who can get infected with corona the easiest.
  6. 10. are closing because of coronavirus and are still getting paid.
  7. 12. you run out of masks you can always use a____________.
  8. 14. good to get _______ during this situation to be sure you don't have corona.
  9. 16. ___________ can get corona which we know since it all started from a bat.
  10. 17. sure to cover your mouth every time you ________ to not spread germs.
  11. 20. _________ is a common symptom if you have coronavirus.
  12. 21. your a mom with a _____ make sure to take extra care of both of you sicne they are also at a lot of risk.
  13. 23. paper,One thing in stores that's getting sold out fast and is white.