Coronavirus Facts

  1. 2. with pre-existing conditions are 6 times more likely to get the virus.
  2. 3. people are less likely to die from the COVID-19.
  3. 4. abuse increased by 20% due to quarantine.
  4. 6. are believed to be the original source of the coronavirus.
  5. 8. billion students were out of school due to the virus.
  6. 9. are considered natural hosts of the virus.
  7. 11. percent of adults have at least one condition that can put them at risk of the coronavirus.
  8. 12. is one of the symptoms of the virus.
  9. 13. say wear eye goggles can prevent getting the virus through your eyes.
  1. 1. is the first pandemic since 2009.
  2. 2. who have severe illness may have to keep isolated up to 20 days after symptoms started.
  3. 5. was where the corona virus originated.
  4. 6. hunger is expected to double in 2020 due to the pandemic.
  5. 7. flu was the last global pandemic.
  6. 10. Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 is the name given to the 2019 novel coronavirus.