Corrections in America

  1. 1. The confinement of criminal offenders in abandoned or unsuitable transport ships that were anchored in rivers
  2. 3. A place of confinement where offenders reflected on their crimes and repented
  3. 5. system of prison discipline using solitary confinement without work methods
  4. 7. Belgian workhouse "If a man will not work, neither let him eat"
  5. 8. offenders criminal behavior caused removal by authority from a state or country
  6. 9. Quaker's body of laws that deemed hard labor was more sufficient than death
  1. 1. 1st corrections facility for incorrigible youth
  2. 2. Created the victim's compensation system so the offender will be restored to God's grace
  3. 4. 1st Quaker petitionary
  4. 6. The act of transporting the offender to another country after legally being sentenced of banishment
  5. 10. England's Places of confinement for minor crimes convictions
  6. 11. poor house