Corss word puzzle

  1. 6. boots it can be weared when there is a risk of heavy objects falling or rolling onto the feet
  2. 10. a visible unsafe condition
  3. 12. something that causes immediate danger Hidden Hazard, something that is hidden form existing view Safety glasses, something that is required by the law to must have in all labs
  4. 14. a fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires
  5. 15. is a programme in which risks are identified
  6. 16. correcting any hazardous situations Maintenance-keeping tools in the right place where they belong
  7. 18. warning dangerous parts can be used
  8. 19. protectors intended to shield the eyes against liquid or chemical splash.
  9. 20. can protect against skin absorption of chemicals
  1. 1. an automatic switch, which is an on-load device mostly used for circuits
  2. 2. safety information is needed
  3. 3. Keep work areas clean, Use the proper tool for the job, Make sure chemicals are properly stored
  4. 4. start  safety lab
  5. 5. kit can be used to bandage small injuries such as scratches and minor burns.
  6. 7. Measures to protect against laboratory accidents
  7. 8. something that can cause an accident
  8. 9. a radiation hazard
  9. 11. situation where something can be visible but can cause danger
  10. 13. a physical hazard/caution
  11. 17. needs to stop and needs emergency assistance