Cortical Syndromes

  1. 2. Lateralization of most prominent deficits of attention
  2. 4. Inability to perform learned skilled motor movements
  3. 8. The hemisphere that climbed to the top of the fracas and established supremacy
  4. 13. Making the cut (above the margins)
  5. 14. Name of deficit when they can't recognize 'who you are'
  6. 16. Most common etiology for lobar syndromes
  7. 18. Eponym of syndrome with left-right confusion and finger agnosia
  8. 19. Can't see the 'forest' for the 'trees'
  9. 20. Not smooth
  10. 21. Famous orbitofrontal injury survivor
  11. 22. Hemisphere damaged in Alexia without agraphia
  12. 23. Akinetic mutism occurs from damage to the ______ frontal lobes
  1. 1. Charles-Bonnet syndrome comprises these kind of hallucinations
  2. 3. This sensory modality is affected in Pure Word Deafness
  3. 5. "1+2 = 9, I think?"
  4. 6. Not knowing
  5. 7. "Uh, I, uh, ca-, uh,nt, speak..."
  6. 9. Cortical loss of color vision
  7. 10. Gyrus damaged when they can't recognize 'who you are'
  8. 11. Seen in the syndrome with Kluver, not Gary
  9. 12. Eponym of syndrome with optic ataxia and oculomotor apraxia
  10. 15. Can't see but has normal pupillary reflex
  11. 17. Not paying attention to
  12. 21. Primary lobe for attention