Cosmic Catastrophes

  1. 1. The star that is the center of our solar system.
  2. 3. Made up of millions of solar systems and makes up the universe.
  3. 6. The revolution of something around another larger object.
  4. 8. Large balls of burning gas in space.
  5. 9. Round objects too small to be considered real planets.
  6. 12. Relating to the universe or cosmos.
  7. 13. Gasses surrounding planets
  8. 16. Happens when a meteorite enters atmosphere and burns up.
  9. 17. Small icy object that orbits the Sun and is known for it’s “tail.”
  10. 18. A place in space where the gravity is so strong not even light can escape it.
  11. 19. The only planet in our solar system suitable for life.
  1. 1. something that is mostly made up of planets, stars, and asteroids.
  2. 2. Round objects that revolve around stars.
  3. 4. The large round object that orbits Earth.
  4. 5. A giant cloud of gas and dust in space.
  5. 7. Something used to make distant things, like planets seem much closer than they really are.
  6. 10. Small rocky object that orbits the Sun and is found between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars.
  7. 11. When Earth encounters many meteors at once.
  8. 14. A dying star
  9. 15. Millions of galaxies.