Costco #1345: Pedestrian Safety

  1. 6. At Costco, safety is _______ responsibility.
  2. 8. The 4-foot rule applies to all ______ industrial equipment including electric pallet jacks, scrubbers and scissor lifts.
  3. 10. Following warehouse policies and procedures is key to ____ injuries.
  4. 11. Listen for the warning sound of the _____.
  5. 13. Listen for the forklift operator communication on 'heads up going up' or ______.
  1. 1. The stopping distance of a moving forklift is greater than that of a _______.
  2. 2. When you see a hazard in the warehouse, _____ IT!
  3. 3. What zone is AT LEAST 4 feet from the lift?
  4. 4. The color of cone that should be placed outside a drive-in cooler/freezer to alert others that a lift is working inside.
  5. 5. When a pedestrian and forklift are passing, both must ___ and wait for the operator to direct the other to pass.
  6. 7. The use of _____ devices (cell phones, radios, walkies) are prohibited around powered equipment.
  7. 9. A forklift can weigh more than ___ thousand pounds.
  8. 12. This 'zone' is twice the height of the top of the load.