could be any (bold) form of the word!

  1. 3. The Badlands are called "bad" because the ground is __ and dopes not produce much vegetation.
  2. 6. In the Bible, Jacob's brothers came to Egypt to buy food because of a severe __ back home in their country.
  3. 9. After all the snow this winter, there will be no __ in our area.
  4. 11. When you walk along the Angostura beach, signs of __ are everywhere on the sand dunes.
  5. 12. Your brain will __ unless you keep it sharp and active.
  6. 13. What did your breakfast __ of today, cereal or toast?
  7. 14. __ is an antonym of barren.
  8. 15. In Psalm 23, Jesus is the Good Shepherd leading us to green __ and refreshing water.
  1. 1. Psalm 18:6 "In my __ (distress, problem) I cried out to God."
  2. 2. The forest and grasslands __ with antelope and deer.
  3. 4. Germany has taken in more __ than any other country in Europe.
  4. 5. Under the shelter in place order, many people __ to working from home and cooking from scratch.
  5. 7. Your vocabulary knowledge and spelling skills __ by doing this school assignment.
  6. 8. There are not many __ in this desert.
  7. 10. Your 3-year old sister's drawing might be __, but grandma still loves it and hangs it on her fridge.