Countenance: Reimagining Portraiture

  1. 3. Paper or cardboard cut to form a frame around an artwork
  2. 4. A picture made with pen, pencil, charcoal, or chalk
  3. 6. The transfer or an image from one surface to another using ink
  4. 8. Three-dimensional artwork
  5. 10. A picture of a person, group of people, or animal
  6. 11. Crayon made of either chalk or oil
  7. 14. Material used to make a work of art
  8. 15. What an artwork is about
  9. 16. Part of a scene that appears closest
  1. 1. An image captured with camera
  2. 2. Part of a scene that appears most distant
  3. 5. A flat surface on which an artist holds and mixes color
  4. 7. How things are placed in a work of art
  5. 9. A piece of cloth used for painting
  6. 11. Picture made by applying paint to a piece of wood or cloth
  7. 12. The customs, belief, arts, and way of live of a group of people
  8. 13. Position of the body