
  1. 2. City of Good Life.
  2. 5. Olympic Games.
  3. 6. accent is something that makes it possible for you.
  4. 7. people organized
  5. 9. The largest rio.
  6. 13. the people have more heart than the government.
  7. 14. Adrenaline is the bulls.
  8. 15. Arabia: Women have no voice.
  9. 16. place of drama.
  1. 1. a virus was created In 2019.
  2. 3. Full of rich food.
  3. 4. lached skirts.
  4. 8. States: taco neighbor.
  5. 10. Lions and wrestlers.
  6. 11. Korean friend you're already Mexican.
  7. 12. Love is important.