Countries (2)

  1. 7. You will find Aukland there (3,7)
  2. 8. An island in the Caribbean Sea (7)
  3. 10. The Pharaohs lived here (5)
  4. 12. Otherwise known as the British Isles (6,7)
  5. 13. Aloha! Men wear lovely floral shirts on this island (6)
  6. 14. it has the stars and stripes on its flag (3)
  1. 1. In 1789 there was a famous revolution here (6)
  2. 2. Florence is a city in the north (5)
  3. 3. Norway, Sweden and Denmark make up this area (11)
  4. 4. Where Berlin is (7)
  5. 5. The Republic of Ireland (4)
  6. 6. Close neighbour of Spain (8)
  7. 9. Its largest city is Istanbul (6)
  8. 11. Warsaw is its capital city (6)