
  1. 4. the calender here is actually in 2014
  2. 6. one of the biggest enemies of china
  3. 8. famous for chocolate and banks
  4. 9. bread and wine
  5. 10. the country chad's flag looks like this ones
  6. 12. the netherlands of asia
  7. 15. this african country looks like a hexagon
  8. 17. this country has literally no lakes
  9. 22. everything is made here
  10. 23. most powerful country in the world
  11. 24. the opposite of greenland
  12. 25. spelled king of like a swear word
  13. 26. very long and skinny
  14. 27. also the name of a US state
  15. 28. this country is the biggest island nation in n.a
  1. 1. famous for coffee and emeralds
  2. 2. known for funny animations and anime
  3. 3. least densely populated country in the world
  4. 5. it used to be one country but now it's two
  5. 7. the meme 420 is from here
  6. 10. really freaking big
  7. 11. mama mia
  8. 13. supervisor rejeem lives here (he's a scammer)
  9. 14. started both world wars and loves beer
  10. 16. the biggest island nation in africa and a movie is called this
  11. 18. this country has three capital cities
  12. 19. a common name for a boy
  13. 20. big, cold and maple syrup
  14. 21. this is where you are going to