
  1. 1. Rule Britannia
  2. 2. Very old
  3. 6. The forgotten communist country
  4. 9. Where we are
  5. 10. Good at football
  6. 11. We in the bush, we in the tree
  7. 13. Conquered most of the known world
  8. 14. Allah, Syria, Bashar
  1. 1. Land of the fat people
  2. 3. Old history
  3. 4. Bing Chilling
  4. 5. Where Jefferey is from
  5. 7. Where pirates still exist
  6. 8. Weebland
  7. 10. My dad is a war criminal
  8. 12. The wannabe arabs
  9. 15. Death to the MPLA