
  1. 1. Rica popular tropical vacation destination
  2. 3. We’re not Norway
  3. 5. Kingdom Goodday!
  4. 7. Is it a country? 🥶
  5. 9. Country at war
  6. 11. Tacos
  7. 13. We’re not a country, we’re a state!
  8. 14. Also a male name.
  9. 16. Croikey!
  10. 17. Where the Eiffel Tower is
  1. 2. Won this year’s World Cup
  2. 4. Hola!
  3. 5. … of America
  4. 6. We’re not Sweden
  5. 8. Largest country
  6. 10. Athat’s aspicy ameatball!
  7. 12. the maple leaf
  8. 15. Has won 5 world cups