
  1. 5. Darkest____
  2. 9. The country featured in the book “Shattered”
  3. 13. Has a lion holding a sword on its flag
  4. 14. 20th most populous country
  5. 16. "Bluey"
  6. 17. Square
  7. 18. Has the most tanks in the world
  8. 20. Is a military rival to India
  9. 22. Borders the most countries in the world
  10. 23. Largest Country in the EU
  11. 24. Geothermal Energy
  12. 26. Borders China and Russia
  13. 28. Smallest Country in Mainland Africa
  14. 29. Largest shoreline
  1. 1. Most islands of any country
  2. 2. Frodo,Sam,Pippin,Merry,Gandalf
  3. 3. Highest currency value
  4. 4. Country with the 3rd most gun ownership
  5. 6. Former part of the USSR and the first person in space was launched from here
  6. 7. ______Canal
  7. 8. Petra
  8. 10. 98.8% is covered in mountains
  9. 11. Uses the kip as currency
  10. 12. Has the longest town name in the world
  11. 13. 16th Biggest Country In the World
  12. 15. Shares a salt lake with Jordan
  13. 19. The only flag without red, blue or white on it in the world
  14. 21. Started the christmas tree tradition
  15. 25. Vanilla
  16. 27. Grand Prix