
  1. 4. has both the highest and lowest point in south america
  2. 5. popular for cigars
  3. 7. the country is home to the Aztec city ruins also known as the Tenochtitlán ruins
  4. 8. Voodoo is a legal and legitimate religion alongside Catholisism
  5. 10. an island with a peculiar soil that makes it the food basket of the Carribean
  6. 11. has a distinct red colour soil giving it the name "red island"
  1. 1. is home to the didgeridoo, Marmite and Kangaroos
  2. 2. near the Nazca landmark is home to the highest sand dune in the world
  3. 3. Island of enchantment
  4. 6. its flag has at least 13 versions consisting of white stars, blue and red
  5. 9. branded "the dead heart of Africa"
  6. 10. the home to the great apes like Bonobos, Gorillas and Chimps