
  1. 4. - Pyramids country
  2. 6. - Cradle of democracy
  3. 8. - Birthplace of tacos
  4. 10. - Land of Vikings
  5. 11. - Land of the rising sun
  6. 12. Africa - Home of Nelson Mandela
  7. 13. - Famous for soccer
  8. 15. - Eiffel Tower nation
  9. 17. - Land of the free
  10. 19. - Land of kangaroos
  1. 1. - Oktoberfest nation
  2. 2. - Bullfighting nation
  3. 3. - Tango country
  4. 5. Zealand - Lord of the Rings nation
  5. 7. - Maple leaf country
  6. 9. - Great Wall country
  7. 14. - Taj Mahal nation
  8. 16. - Largest country in the world
  9. 18. - Pizza and pasta country
  10. 20. - Home of Big Ben