
  1. 3. This is a famous place or building that represents this. It's like a special symbol that people remember and visit.
  2. 6. This are games and activities that people play in different countries. Each country has its own favorite this, like exciting puzzles.
  3. 10. This includes the animals and plants that live in this. Each country has its own unique and amazing creatures to discover.
  4. 11. This is a huge landmass that contains many countries. There are seven this in the world, each with its own countries to explore.
  5. 14. This is the number of people living in this. Some countries have lots of people, while others have only a few.
  6. 15. This is the type of weather this usually has. Some countries have hot and sunny this, while others have cold and snowy this.
  7. 16. This is what people eat in different countries. Each country has its own delicious dishes with unique flavors and ingredients.
  1. 1. This is the way people communicate with each other. Different countries have their own unique this, like puzzles to solve.
  2. 2. This is like a big picture that shows the shape and location of different places in the world. It helps us understand where this is located.
  3. 4. This are special customs and activities that people do in this. They are like magical rituals that bring people together.
  4. 5. This is the type of money people use in different countries. It's like special coins and bills with different pictures and values.
  5. 7. This is the most important city in this. It's like the heart of this, where the government and leaders are.
  6. 8. Anthem This is a special song that represents this. It is sung with pride and brings people together in unity.
  7. 9. This is what makes this special. It includes things like traditions, music, dances, and even the clothes people wear.
  8. 12. This is a colorful piece of cloth with special symbols or colors. It represents this and waves proudly in the air.
  9. 13. This is the story of what happened in this a long time ago. It's like a fascinating adventure that helps us understand the past.