
  1. 1. A neutral color that is a mixture of black and white. It is often associated with balance and neutrality.
  2. 4. A vibrant, purplish-red color often associated with intensity and the color of the magenta ink.
  3. 7. A color that is a mix of red and yellow. It is often associated with warmth and enthusiasm.
  4. 8. A color that is a combination of red and blue. It is often associated with royalty and creativity.
  5. 10. A color often associated with nature, trees, and growth. It is a combination of blue and yellow.
  6. 11. A bright color often associated with sunshine and happiness. It is one of the primary colors.
  7. 14. A metallic color often associated with brightness, elegance, and the color of the precious metal silver.
  8. 15. A vibrant color often associated with fire, love, and energy. It is one of the primary colors.
  1. 2. response
  2. 3. A color often associated with darkness, mystery, and elegance.
  3. 5. A color often associated with earth, wood, and stability.
  4. 6. A color that is a mix of blue and green. It is often associated with calmness and the color of the gemstone turquoise.
  5. 9. A light, delicate color often associated with femininity and sweetness.
  6. 10. A metallic color often associated with wealth, luxury, and the color of the precious metal gold.
  7. 12. A color often associated with purity, innocence, and cleanliness.
  8. 13. A color often associated with the sky or ocean. It is one of the primary colors.