
  1. 2. The money used in a country as a medium of exchange for goods and services.
  2. 4. A distinct territory or region that is governed by its own government and is inhabited by a specific group of people.
  3. 8. The total number of people living in a country or region.
  4. 10. The customs, traditions, and way of life of the people in a country, including art, music, and language.
  5. 11. The cultural and historical traditions passed down through generations in a country.
  6. 12. The dividing line or boundary that separates one country from another.
  7. 13. A set of fundamental principles or laws that govern a country and outline its structure and powers of the government.
  1. 1. A system of government where the power is vested in the hands of the people through elected representatives.
  2. 3. The main city or town of a country, where the government offices and important institutions are located.
  3. 5. Anthem A song that represents and symbolizes a country, often played on special occasions or events.
  4. 6. The ruling body or system that manages the affairs of a country and its people.
  5. 7. A system of government where a king or queen serves as the head of state, usually inherited within a family.
  6. 8. The head of state in a country, often elected by the people or appointed through a political process.
  7. 9. A symbol representing a country, usually consisting of distinctive colors, patterns, and emblems.
  8. 10. The status of being a member of a particular country, granting rights and responsibilities to the individual.