
  1. 3. Niagara Falls can be seen from this country.
  2. 5. Samba is a dance form popular here.
  3. 8. Angel Falls is a waterfall there.
  4. 10. The best-selling beer in the U.S is made here.
  5. 12. Blini are eaten there, sometimes with caviar.
  6. 14. Ottawa is the capital.
  7. 15. Canon and Nikon are companies headquartered here.
  8. 16. The Wimbledon tennis tournament is held in this country.
  9. 17. The mountain Monserrate is there.
  10. 20. Dingos, wallabies and wombats are found here.
  11. 21. Borscht is eaten there.
  1. 1. The Nile River flows north from sub-Saharan Africa to this country.
  2. 2. This country boasts over 1,000 different sausage types.
  3. 4. One of the countries Patagonia lies inside.
  4. 6. Reykjavík is the capital.
  5. 7. ByteDance, maker of TikTok, is an internet technology company headquartered here.
  6. 9. Cuy is a traditional dish in this country.
  7. 11. One of the countries Patagonia lies inside.
  8. 13. This country won the FIFA World Cup in South Africa in 2010.
  9. 18. Budva is a primary destination here, famous for its beaches that border the Adriatic Sea.
  10. 19. Warsaw is the capital and largest city of this country.