
  1. 2. Largest country by land area.
  2. 5. KOREA Home of K-pop and kimchi.
  3. 6. AFRICA Land of Nelson Mandela and safaris
  4. 7. Oktoberfest and the Berlin Wall.
  5. 9. Hosted the 2016 Olympics.
  6. 10. Land of the rising sun.
  7. 13. Known for maple syrup and hockey.
  8. 14. Birthplace of democracy and Olympics.
  9. 15. Home of the ancient pyramids.
  10. 16. Home of Flamenco and paella
  11. 18. Famous for its cuisine and temples.
  12. 19. The Great Wall's country.
  1. 1. STATES Home of the Statue of Liberty and Hollywood.
  2. 3. Known for chocolate and Alpine beauty.
  3. 4. Where you'll find kangaroos and koalas.
  4. 8. The Eiffel Tower's home.
  5. 11. Tango and famous for steak.
  6. 12. Tacos and mariachi music.
  7. 17. Birthplace of yoga and curry.
  8. 20. Famous for pasta and pizza.