
  1. 3. Was once united with another country until 1918.
  2. 6. Its traditional Christmas Eve meal is KFC.
  3. 8. Birthplace to the greatest scientist.
  4. 10. The land down under.
  5. 12. Once colonized a quarter of the world.
  6. 13. Has a city called Istanbul not Constantinople.
  7. 14. The place where the Amazon Rainforest is located.
  1. 1. Know for the creation of gunpowder.
  2. 2. Its capital is known as the City of Light.
  3. 4. Where the Mona Lisa was painted.
  4. 5. Known for its national dish poutine.
  5. 7. Birth nation of the creator of dynamite & the Nibel Peace Prize.
  6. 9. Home country to the composer of 1812 Overture.
  7. 11. Birth country to Wolfgang Amadus Mozart
  8. 12. Home to the Burji Khalifa.