
  1. 5. A large body of people united by common history, culture, or language, often forming a sovereign state.
  2. 7. The country or region where one's roots and identity are deeply connected.
  3. 10. A form of government where the head of state is elected by the people for a limited term.
  4. 12. A political unit with its own government and authority, recognized as a distinct entity.
  5. 13. A form of government where a single ruler, often a king or queen, holds supreme authority.
  6. 14. A defined geographical area under the jurisdiction of a specific government.
  7. 15. A form of government where power is held by the people, either directly or through elected representatives.
  1. 1. A political entity formed by the union of several smaller states or territories.
  2. 2. A political association of sovereign states, often with shared goals and interests.
  3. 3. A system of government where the people have the power to make decisions through voting.
  4. 4. A distinct territorial body or political entity with its own government and borders.
  5. 6. The authority of a state to govern itself without interference from external powers.
  6. 8. A group of countries or territories under a single authority or ruler.
  7. 9. A form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader.
  8. 11. A territorial division within a country, often with its own administrative authority.