
  1. 2. Home of the Eiffel Tower
  2. 3. Has the largest capital city in the world
  3. 6. Shares the world's longest land border with a northern neighbor (abbr.)
  4. 9. Has the largest city in North America (by population)
  5. 10. Largest current country in the world
  6. 13. The most mountainous country
  7. 16. Has the Leaning Tower of Pisa
  8. 18. Largest country in North America, 2nd largest in the world
  9. 19. Most populous country
  1. 1. Has the most islands
  2. 4. This country is often considered to be a continent
  3. 5. Highest capital city in the world
  4. 7. Has the world's tallest building (abbr.)
  5. 8. Where Messi is from
  6. 11. One of 3 European nations to span 2 continents
  7. 12. Happiest country in the world
  8. 13. Has the world's largest rainforest
  9. 14. Was once the largest country in history (abbr.)
  10. 15. Where Mt. Everest is
  11. 17. On the west of Hispaniola