
  1. 2. This country is an archipelago consisting more than 7.000 islands. It's located near us and known for its people to have beautiful voices.
  2. 4. It's known for it being one of the most populated country, also famous for its people to often honk endlessly. Despite that, they also have delicious cuisines, mostly famous for its curry.
  3. 5. It's located in Europe, known for its revolutionary war and its historical figure, Joon of arc and Marie Antoinette.
  4. 7. This country is famous for its ancient mythology & amazing architechtures. It's located in Southeast Europe.
  5. 9. It's located in the north west corner of Africa & is bordered by the north Atlantic ocean. This country's literacy is 88% higher than most African countries.
  6. 10. This country is a mountanious terrain with scattered valleys, also the home of pizzas.
  1. 1. This country is located in the Europe continent. It's where IKEA is From. Also one of the Safest country in the world.
  2. 3. This country is located in Africa. It has the lowest currency value on the earth.
  3. 6. This country is next to Vietnam. Its terrain consists mainly of low plains, with mountains to the southwest north.
  4. 8. This small country is located next to france. This place is where Charles Leclerc was born. Also famous for its luxurious lifestyle.