
  1. 5. Each star on the USA flag stands for a...
  2. 6. What does name mean in South Africa?
  3. 9. capital city of Thailand
  4. 10. New Year’s Eve in Thailand
  5. 11. 4th of July is a festival in the USA. Why?
  6. 13. Language you speak in Panama
  1. 1. Language you speak in Brazil
  2. 2. Where is the Panama Canal an attraction?
  3. 3. Capital city of New Zealand
  4. 4. Dance style from Argentina
  5. 7. Old culture from New Zealand
  6. 8. In South Africa people painted at...?
  7. 9. There takes one of the biggest parties place
  8. 10. What’s in the middle of the Argentina flag?
  9. 12. Colour of the flag of Thailand