
  1. 3. The only country that does bullfighting.
  2. 4. The inventors of the chocolate bar.
  3. 5. The River Niger's delta is located here.
  4. 6. Are thought to produce the best chocolate.
  5. 9. The most northernmost country in SA.
  6. 12. The country of the Fertile Crescent.
  7. 15. The home of the Nintendo company.
  8. 17. Home to the White House.
  9. 19. The richest country (average citizen).
  10. 20. Home to Christiano Ronaldo.
  11. 22. The world's newest country (2011-).
  1. 1. Dubbed as the world's richest country.
  2. 2. The winners of the Race to the South Pole.
  3. 7. the closest african country to europe
  4. 8. Home to the most southernmost city.
  5. 10. Home to the Eiffel Tower.
  6. 11. You are sitting in this country.
  7. 13. The world's poorest country.
  8. 14. The country of the Indus Valley.
  9. 16. The head of the Axis in WW2.
  10. 18. The country of the Yellow River.
  11. 21. Europe's newest country.