Countries and Capitals

  1. 3. Largest country's (area) capital city
  2. 5. Going to Bangkok, you visit the country...
  3. 6. Capital city of Zambia
  4. 8. S.America, country's name E_U_ _ _ R
  5. 9. I'm visiting the forbidden city today
  6. 12. Capital city of Liberia
  7. 13. Capital City of _ T _ _ Y(Christopher Columbus was born here)
  8. 14. ___ town.
  9. 15. They all speak Spanish here
  10. 16. If you visit Austria's capital, you've been to
  11. 17. Think Doraemon and Nintendo (capital city)
  1. 1. You'll find the pyramids in this capital city
  2. 2. The capital city of South Korea
  3. 3. S.America country name begins with a U
  4. 4. The capital city of Kenya is?
  5. 7. Taipei is the capital city of?
  6. 10. Capital city of Venezuela.
  7. 11. This country's capital is Ottawa
  8. 12. Is Mexico City too obvious for a capital name?
  9. 16. Capital of Liechtenstein.