Countries and capitals extra review

  1. 5. The end of the country and the end of it's capital means "water."
  2. 9. This is the longest country in the world.
  3. 11. Tango is very popular in this country.
  4. 14. Baseball is a popular sport in this country; home to Sammy Sosa.
  5. 18. This country is a commonwealth to the United States.
  6. 19. The only country in South America with a boarder on the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea.
  1. 1. Lake Titicaca is located on its southern boarder.
  2. 2. Hugo Chavez was a controversial political leader of this country.
  3. 3. People in this country refer to themselves as "Ticos" and "Ticas."
  4. 4. This country is the largest island in the Caribbean.
  5. 6. The smaller landlocked country in South America.
  6. 7. Quetzal is the currency for this country.
  7. 8. Country name means "Great depths"
  8. 10. This country is the connecter between Central and South America, as well as the connector between the Atlanta and Pacific Ocean.
  9. 12. Country's name means "river of the painted birds."
  10. 13. The current president of this country is Salvador Sanchéz Cerén.
  11. 15. The neighbor to the south of the United States.
  12. 16. Lake Titicaca is located on its western boarder.
  13. 17. This country gets it name from the equator.