Countries and nationalities

  1. 4. Rio de Janeiro is in ...
  2. 6. The capital of ...isn't Istambul,it's Ankara
  3. 8. Australia and New Zealand are in the continent of ...
  4. 9. Mount Fuji is in ...
  5. 10. Moscow is the capital city of ...
  6. 12. ...has a population of over 13.5 billion
  1. 1. the cities of Delhi,Mombai and Kolkata are in ...
  2. 2. Paris,Marseille and Lyon are all in
  3. 3. Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela are all in ...
  4. 5. the home of flamenco and paella
  5. 7. Wolfgang,Hans and Petra are from Berlin in ...
  6. 11. Florence,Venice and Rome are all in ...