Countries and nationalities

  1. 2. People from Paris are...
  2. 3. Nationality of Netherlands/Low Countries
  3. 7. Characters from the movie encanto are
  4. 8. Country where Berlin is located
  5. 12. Country famous for its production of cheese and chocolate
  6. 14. Country where you can find the Taj Mahal
  7. 16. Sherlock Holmes is an important character from _____ literature
  8. 19. Buenos Aires is the capital of...
  9. 20. George Washington was the first _______ president
  1. 1. Nationality of chayanne
  2. 4. Jackie Chan is...
  3. 5. Country where you can find the Sydney Opera House
  4. 6. Jorge is from Madrid, he's...
  5. 9. I'm (from Mexico)
  6. 10. Nationality of the country where you can find the Niagara Falls
  7. 11. Country that has a form similar to a boot
  8. 13. The Giza pyramids are in this country
  9. 15. Largest country in the world
  10. 17. Athens is the capital of...
  11. 18. Sushi is a _____ dish