Countries and Nationalities

  1. 1. ... companies like Microsoft and GE are among the world's most respected companies.
  2. 3. Philip Clarke is the CEO of Tesco, the largest ... supermarket chain.
  3. 6. Natura, Petrobras and Weg are three companies from ...
  4. 7. Jean-Paul Agon, L'Oreal's Chief Executive, is from ...
  5. 9. BMW, Porche and Volkswagen are three carmakers from ...
  6. 10. Lee Kun-hee is Chairman of Samsung, the famous ... technology company.
  7. 11. Lakshmi Mittal is from ... . He is Chief Executive of Arcelor Mittal, the world's biggest steelmaker.
  1. 2. Nestle is one of the most famous ... companies.
  2. 4. Ingvar Kamprad, founder of Ikea, is from ...
  3. 5. Toyota and Nissan are two carmakers from ...
  4. 7. Nokia, a ... company, makes high-quality mobile phones.
  5. 8. British Airways, Virgin Atlantic and easyJet are airlines from the ...