countries and states

  1. 3. northerly
  2. 7. nor?
  3. 9. eas?
  4. 10. north of the equator
  5. 11. wes?
  6. 12. big river called amazon
  7. 14. up
  8. 16. down
  9. 18. pole South?
  10. 19. right and left line
  11. 20. half of a?
  1. 1. south of the equator
  2. 2. up and down line
  3. 4. right
  4. 5. Avocados from?
  5. 6. big lake in utah
  6. 8. big lake from michigan
  7. 13. pole North?
  8. 15. southernly
  9. 16. sou?
  10. 17. left