Countries and States

  1. 4. Known for the Statue of Liberty.
  2. 8. Known for its amusement parks and warm weather.
  3. 10. Known for horse racing and Southern cuisine.
  4. 11. This is the only U.S state with a green flag.
  5. 13. Known for being the home of Hershey's.
  6. 15. This country is right under the border of the United States.
  7. 17. Known for pasta.
  8. 18. The largest electronics producer in both Central and Eastern Europe
  9. 19. Known for its rugged landscapes.
  1. 1. Albert Einstein was born here.
  2. 2. Known for the Amazon Rainforest.
  3. 3. This country's name means "big lake" or "great water"
  4. 5. Known for its rodeos.
  5. 6. Known for the Nile river.
  6. 7. Known for its maple syrup.
  7. 8. Known for the Eiffel Tower.
  8. 9. Home to the fifth largest desert in the world
  9. 12. Known as "The Prairie State"
  10. 14. Known for Las Vegas.
  11. 16. Known for Hollywood and Yosemite National Park.