Countries & Cities

  1. 1. Arizona's largest city
  2. 4. Country to win the most men's soccer World Cups
  3. 5. Anne Frank hid from the Nazis in this city
  4. 8. The country with the greatest economy in all of Africa
  5. 11. American city supposedly the brightest when seen from space
  6. 14. This country's websites end in .ch
  7. 15. African country founded as a place for freed American slaves
  8. 16. Capital of North Korea
  1. 2. City is considered the birthplace of jazz music
  2. 3. This country is famous for its fjords
  3. 6. This country shares its name with a U.S. state
  4. 7. The island where lemurs come from
  5. 9. This country has the most people named Dmitry
  6. 10. Country has the highest percentage of redheads
  7. 12. Origin country of espresso
  8. 13. Country with the capital named Havana