Countries & Languages

  1. 2. People here speak Thai.
  2. 3. German is the main language spoken here.
  3. 7. People speak this in Taiwan.
  4. 9. People speak this language in the United States.
  5. 12. French and English are spoken here
  6. 13. You can hear this language in Argentina.
  7. 14. Portuguese is spoken here.
  1. 1. This is the official language of Japan.
  2. 4. People speak this language in France.
  3. 5. What language do people speak in Italy?
  4. 6. Hindi is spoken in this country.
  5. 8. I’m from Sweden. I speak this language.
  6. 10. 150 million people speak this in Russia
  7. 11. This language is common in the Middle East