
  1. 2. I am Cypriot and I speak ______.
  2. 5. People in _____ eat pizza and pasta.
  3. 7. Bullfighting is legal in _____.
  4. 9. I live in London. I am _____.
  5. 10. Sushi is ______food.
  6. 12. He's from the USA. He's _____.
  7. 13. ______people eat with chopsticks.
  1. 1. The sombrero is the _______hat.
  2. 3. I come from ______. I am Cypriot.
  3. 4. Have you ever seen an _____kangaroo?
  4. 6. Have a ______croissant for breakfast.
  5. 8. My friend is ______. She comes from Peru.
  6. 11. Pierogi is a traditional ______dish.