Countries of Asia crossword

  1. 3. The first American president to visit China, famous for well known Watergate Scandal, Richard.
  2. 8. A Southern Asian country that is the second most populated country in the world and that is known for creating the Hindu religion.
  3. 10. A system of government run by the people and based off of elections, which had a party fighting against communists in China's Civil War.
  4. 11. The public transit system created by Japan that provides the quickest and most efficient system in the world, 2 words.
  5. 12. The leader of the communist party in China who acted as China's chairman through events like the great leap forward and the cultural revolution, Mao.
  6. 14. A closed off country that provides no outside access to information and teaches their people to worship their dictatorship of the Kim dynasty as gods, 2 words.
  7. 16. Japan's biggest city and the biggest city in the world with a population of 14 million people.
  8. 18. The war between North and South Korea where South Korea fought for nationalism with the U.S.A and North Korea fought for communism with China and the USSR, 2 words.
  9. 20. The religion of Japan that influences the lives and customs of the Japanese people.
  10. 21. An archipelago off the coast of China known for being the most advanced country in robotics.
  1. 1. The country that invaded India in 1608 and ruled over the Indian people harshly.
  2. 2. The religion of the people of India that worships many gods as well as animals.
  3. 4. The leader of China's nationalist party who led them through China's Civil War, Chiang.
  4. 5. The dividing line between North and South Korea, 2 words.
  5. 6. A time when China's chairman Mao Zedong attempted to get rid of China's old culture and had anyone who could question his power killed or tortured, 2 words.
  6. 7. An Indian lawyer who fought to end the British rule over India using peaceful protests, Mahatma.
  7. 9. A river in Northern India that is known as a sacred place to wash sins away for the Indian people, 2 words.
  8. 13. A quickly developing country on the southern end of the Korean peninsula, 2 words
  9. 15. A government system run on the ideology that all citizens share the same wealth, used by countries such as Russia and China.
  10. 17. The government system that China was run by for 3,000 years until the early 19th century.
  11. 19. A Eastern Asian country run by a communist government and currently the biggest manufacturing super power worldwide.