
  1. 2. the biggest carnival in the world and top football players
  2. 5. Napoleon Bonaparte, Champagne or highest mountain in Europe
  3. 7. Mt. Fuji and home to brands like Honda, Toyota, Nintendo or Canon
  4. 8. Taj Mahal and Mahatma Gandi, the second most populous country in the world
  5. 9. kangaroos, koalas and fantastic beaches
  6. 10. pyramids and pharaohs
  7. 11. home for 17 Nobel Prize winners, one third of the country covers forest, most World's strongest men come from here
  1. 1. a country is bigger than planet Pluto, 77% of the country is not inhabited, there are 9million more women than men
  2. 3. the tango, Evita and great beef
  3. 4. goulash and a charming capital Budapest
  4. 6. the second biggest country in the world