
  1. 2. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in this nation.
  2. 6. "Everything is made in ______."
  3. 7. Leprechauns and St. Patrick are both from here.
  4. 8. This nation is notable for baguettes and berets.
  5. 9. The home of famous European waffles.
  6. 12. The current (2013) nation that Vladmir Lenin rules over.
  7. 13. This African country is famous for it's pyramids.
  1. 1. The home of Nokia.
  2. 3. The land of the maple leaves.
  3. 4. This nation is famous for it's chocolate and banks.
  4. 5. The home of IKEA.
  5. 9. Rio de Janiero and the Rio Amazonas flow through this nation.
  6. 10. The home of the Parthenon and the Acropolis.
  7. 11. 4-letter abbreviation for the nation that Joseph Stalin ruled over.