
  1. 2. Known for Flamenco dance and bullfighting
  2. 4. The country with the Great Wall
  3. 6. The country famous for tacos and tequila
  4. 8. A country and continent surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans
  5. 9. The largest country in the world by land area
  6. 10. Known for the Taj Mahal
  7. 11. Known for Oktoberfest and its capital is Berlin
  8. 12. Known as the Land of the Rising Sun
  9. 13. The country with the Pyramids and the Sphinx
  1. 1. Known for the Eiffel Tower and its capital is Paris
  2. 2. The country known for K-pop and technology
  3. 3. Known for the Statue of Liberty
  4. 4. The second largest country in the world by land area
  5. 5. The country with Big Ben and the Queen
  6. 7. The largest country in South America
  7. 10. The country shaped like a boot