
  1. 3. What country starts with a C in N America?
  2. 5. how many million penguins live in Antarctica?
  3. 8. What is the smallest continent?
  4. 11. How many countries are in north America?
  5. 12. How many countries does Asia have?
  6. 13. How many countries does south America have?
  7. 15. What is Australia also known as?
  8. 16. What is the primary language in Australia?
  1. 1. What is mostly in the middle of Africa
  2. 2. what is the smallest country in Europe?
  3. 4. what is South America's largest country?
  4. 6. Long neck animal that lives in Africa
  5. 7. how much is Antarctica made of ice?
  6. 9. How much does the rainforest give of oxygen?
  7. 10. How many countries does Africa have?
  8. 14. what is the 6th largest continent?