Country - City

  1. 2. area with many trees
  2. 7. where trains stop
  3. 8. crosses a river
  4. 10. where you buy things
  5. 11. where people are hiking on in the country
  6. 14. where you go to mess
  7. 15. loud
  8. 16. very little town
  9. 17. where crops are growing
  10. 19. where cars are moving on
  11. 21. very steep elevation
  1. 1. all cars, trucks, trains moving
  2. 3. area in between hills
  3. 4. where you watch movies
  4. 5. Where things are produced
  5. 6. vehicle with pedals
  6. 9. animal that produces milk
  7. 10. animal that produces wool
  8. 12. where people are walking on in the city
  9. 13. not quite a mountain
  10. 18. vehicle with a motor
  11. 20. opposite of clean