Country Crossword

  1. 1. The primary city where a country's government is located.
  2. 4. A national symbol representing a country.
  3. 9. The system or organization governing a country.
  4. 10. The industry of traveling for leisure or recreation within a country.
  5. 11. The state of being free from outside control or rule.
  6. 12. The traditions, beliefs, and values passed down through generations.
  7. 13. A patriotic song representing a country.
  1. 1. The customs, traditions, and way of life of a particular country.
  2. 2. The total number of people living within a country.
  3. 3. The primary spoken and written communication within a country.
  4. 5. A prominent feature or monument within a country.
  5. 6. The head of state or government in a presidential system.
  6. 7. The defined lines separating one country from another.
  7. 8. The official form of money used in a country.
  8. 9. The physical features and landscape of a country.